SET Auto Theft Task Force & Beaumont PD is sponsoring an “AUTO THEFT TRAINING COURSE on July 10, 2013 @ BPD Training Classroom.
On July 10, 2013 the Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force and the Beaumont Police Department will sponsor an eight hour auto theft training course for certified peace officers. The class is designed to better inform patrol officers of the intricacies of auto theft and vehicle identification. The course will cover task force history and responsibilities, auto theft related laws and crimes, personal, commercial and recreational vehicle identification and auto theft prevention. The class hours will be 0800 – 1700 hours, will be held at the BPD Training Classroom and will be limited to 50 students. Students should bring a notebook and pen. Applications/Registration should be forwarded to the Beaumont Police Department’s Training Division. There is no cost for this course.
Amie M. Price
Beaumont Police Department
Training & Personnel Office
P.O. Box 3827
Beaumont, TX 77704
(409) 880-3812